Monday, October 18, 2010

My take on the GAP logo fiasco

Which is better?

Recently the popular clothing outlet Gap, decided to quietly change its recognizable logo over the worldwide web. However, they were quickly met with a backlash from customers demanding the old logo be returned. After one week the company ultimately made the decision to return the old logo. Gap North America president Marka Hansen said in a statement that "--the company realized how much people like the old logo after they put up the new one -- Gap didn't handle the change correctly and missed a chance to have loyal shoppers offer input until it was too late.

According to Gap they decided that the new design was supposed to represent the new updates styles that Gap now has to offer, but after the change they realized that they should have considered their consumers opinions first. From what I myself have gathered so far on the situation, the company confined the big change to its official website before making the move to clothing labels, bags, tags, signage, etc. Which in the long run was a "smart" financial decision considering the dramatic failure of the move. I believe that Gap has learned that rather than making such an abrupt change, that they should consider the designs, opinions, and commitment of their consumers first and foremost.

As for my overall opinion on the "New Gap Logo", my initial emotions when looking at it did not say "style", "hip", or "modern" to me. I honestly find its design to be reminiscent of the outdated and old look of Windows or Microsoft programs and packaging. The black type is boring and not remotely unique, and the blue box in the corner does nothing to please my eye. The old (and now current) Gap logo conveys symmetry, simplicity, and flow that is familiar and comforting to consumers. All of which to me, are components of a true iconic brand.

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